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YWLC’s Participation in the National Mentoring Summit 2024

YWLC participated in the National Mentoring Summit 2024 as part of its ongoing efforts to champion mentorship in the broader society. The summit provided a unique platform for YWLC to engage with youths and other organisations with mentorship programmes, while sharing our mission and highlighting our programmes and initiatives on mentorship. It was heartening to see the enthusiasm and curiosity of the young participants. 

In addition, Casherine Goh, Vice Chairperson of YWLC’s 8th Executive Committee, was also invited in her corporate capacity to participate as a mentor under the financial sector to share more about her experiences and expertise in the sector to more than 20 students from Ngee Ann Polytechnic and Singapore Polytechnic. 

YWLC’s Mentorship Programmes Featured:

YWLC’s Flagship Mentorship Programme

YWLC’s Flagship Mentorship Programme is a  9-month program that matches  mentees (YWLC members) with our panel of mentors (senior female leaders). Mentors  provide 1-to-1 guidance and support to foster growth in mentees’ personal and professional lives.

YWLC’s Pay-It-Forward Programme

In YWLC’s Pay-It-Forward Programme, YWLC members who have grown and received so much from YWLC's programmes, pay it forward by mentoring younger girls.  Mentees comprise girls from universities, polytechnics and ITE. Other than mentorship, this programme also includes workshops anchored on key skills such as confidence building, career discovery, and personal branding. 

YWLC’s Peer Mentorship Programme

YWLC’s Peer Mentorship Programme is designed to create supportive communities within YWLC. Members are grouped into learning pods where they can share experiences, seek advice, and support one another. This programme emphasizes the value of peer-to-peer learning and collaboration, fostering a sense of belonging and mutual growth.

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